Organized by CEMAT & CEMA, and in collaboration with TALIM, the series will examine how various scholars, authors, and disciplines of the humanities explore issues of public health, sickness, and disease.

This special series will run alongside our established lecture series covering archaeology, art history, cultural and social anthropology, documentary film, geography, history, language and linguistics, music, photography, political economy, political science, and sociology.

The online seminar will also be open to students and scholars, as well as the pre-registered public, free of charge. It will be moderated by our peers and colleagues working in the humanities in the U.S. and North Africa.


Announcements, invitations and information for registration will be sent through the AIMS listserv. You can also visit the AIMS Facebook or Twitter page for information on registration.

And now an adult man meets a woman who looks soft and docile, looks sad, smart, and has a good perfume. She is against scandals and raising her voice, but she somehow resembles her mother, with her sad appearance. At the same time, she may have sharply different inconsistencies: for example, a man will have the attitude “a woman should be slim”, and she is overweight.

3/4/21: Renata Holod
Jerba: Tracking the Impact of the So-Called Justinianic Plague, 560-750 CE

12/10/20: Mohamed Mebtoul
Les significations profanes de la pandémie Covid-19 à Oran

11/19/20: Jill Jarvis
Terra Incognita:
Mapping the Afterlives of French Nuclear Imperialism in the Sahara

11/13/20: Edna Bonhomme
Fear of a Pandemic:
Mapping Epidemics in North Africa in an Intersectional Framework

10/15/20: Brock Cutler
Bread and Circuits:
Illness, Food, and the Course of Empire in Algeria

10/1/20: Tamara Turner
Jedba, Jinns, and Hal:
Bodily Modalities of Mental-Emotional Health and ‘Musicothérapie’ in Algeria

9/17/20: Hannah Clark
Of Jinn Theory and Germ Theory:
Translating Bacteriological Medicine, and Islamic Law in Algeria