Thank you for your interest in AIMS. AIMS membership runs on the calendar year and includes a subscription to the Journal of North African Studies (6 issues annually). AIMS member benefits include grants, travel awards, conferences, an annual dissertation workshop, ORC support, and more. There are four categories of membership: Student, Individual, Institutional and Lifetime.
AIMS Membership Dues
Student Membership: $50
Individual Membership: $100
Institutional Membership: $500 (includes 3 Individual Memberships)
Lifetime Membership: please contact AIMS at [email protected] for more information
Membership is based on the calendar year, January to December.
Current AIMS members consent to receive electronic communications regarding member rights, voting, and meetings unless they otherwise notify the AIMS office for written notification.
Paying for your Membership
Payment is due in full at the time of joining. Paying by credit card, via PayPal, or check payments are accepted.
1. Select Membership Level from drop down menu
9. Click “Return to Merchant” Return to AIMS
Membership Levels
$50 Student Membership
$100 Individual Membership
$500 Institutional Membership
Paying by Check
Make check payment in U.S. $ to “AIMS.”
Mail payment to:
Terry Ryan
American Institute for Maghrib Studies
Center for Middle Eastern Studies
845 N. Park Ave.
Marshall Bldg., Room 470
Tucson, AZ 85721-0158 USA
Membership Directory
Please provide the following information for the directory. You may print this out and place it with your check, or cut and paste the text below in an e-mail and send to [email protected].
If you are a re-newing member and your contact information has not changed, the below information does not need to be re-submitted.
First Name:
Last Name:
Institutional Affiliation:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip, Country:
Academic Status:
PhD Institution/Discipline:
Research Languages:
Research Country(ies) of Interest:
Research Topics/Interests:
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